Apocalypse Now. And again. One more time...
Just finished with 'The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion' and 'The Star'. Both are good stories. I just hope that if something like this ever happens that it's closer to 'The Star'... at least we'd be granted a second chance.
If there's anything that astronomers have shown us it is that we are, astronomically speaking, of no significance whatsoever and that it is only a matter of time before catastrophe falls upon us. The universe is cold and uncaring. Since space is mostly empty it's unlikely such catastrophic events would occur within the timeframe of human civilzation.
Even if humanity does hold out to near-forever, avoiding or destroying approaching comets or meteors, we'll still have to contend with Sol going nova. Burnt to a crisp.
So, for there to be any distant future, we'll have to look to colonization.
But that's a long way off... think happy thoughts for now.
Oh one last thing... if this did happen, which do you think will occur: chaos or serenity or a little of each?
Yeah, colonization is the answer. Though there is a branch of apocalyptic literature that deals with the end of space-faring, post-Earth humans. You just can't win.
I guess I would hope for serenity given that insanity had not set in. I do believe in the indominable nature of humankind to survive against all odds so the only question would be one of survival of the species. Now that the scientists know how to clone, as long as their theories survive, we would have it made!
In anwser to your question, I would like to choose what I am living now - chaotic serenity!
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